The comparison between bags and purses made by Gucci and those made by Louis Vuitton may never end. This is…
The number of fake Chanel bags in the market today is countless. The tragedy is that many of them look…
Are Kate Spade bags better than Coach? This is one question that has remained on the lips of various fashionable…
As a fashion brand, Coach has been able to woo the minds of young audiences, particularly with the production of…
Kate Spade and Michael Kors (MK) usually appear in any list that ranks America's top popular fashion brands. It is…
Which is the top brand in handbags between Tory Burch and Kate spade? Ordinarily, this would be a difficult question…
Those who fall victim to counterfeit Coach bags do so often due to their unfamiliarity with what to look for…
Most Louis Vuitton bags are made from 100% real leather. However, this is often mistaken for LV canvas due to…
What separates legal knockoff designer bags from the 'real thing' can be as high as five figures. Decent replica bags…
Bags made by the American fashion house Coach are considered luxury bags, as many of their styles feature flawless finish…